verbos en inglés

 EXERCISE: Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.

  1. I´m really excited / excitingabout my vacation. I´m going to Africa. 
  2. I´m annoyed / annoyingwith a friend of mine. He never returns my phone calls. 
  3. I saw a really bored / boringmovie last night. I slept through most of it. 
  4. I wasn´t able to get tickets to the concert. I was so disappointed / disappointing. 
  5. I get frustrated / frustratingwhen I try to rad maps. I find them confused / confusing. 
  6. I get really embarrassed / embarrassingwhen I forget someone´s name. 
  7. I heard something amazed / amazing. A woman just crossed the Pacific Ocean in a canoe. 
  8. My mother forgot my birthday. I was surprised / surprising. Well, actually, I was shocked / shocking. 

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